TL handles unrest very well
So the Lebanese Army is battling with some fundamental Islamic faction in the North, after ISF forces, with the support of the Army, tried to arrest the suspects in an Amyoun bank robbery.
Meanwhile, Tele Liban is re-airing (in Black & White, needless to say) a Fariuz concert in Beit El Dein!
"W ya jabal el sheikh..." never heard that song before.
UPDATE: just in... "شلح زنبق أنا، اكسرني على ثرى بلادي "
Meanwhile, Tele Liban is re-airing (in Black & White, needless to say) a Fariuz concert in Beit El Dein!
"W ya jabal el sheikh..." never heard that song before.
UPDATE: just in... "شلح زنبق أنا، اكسرني على ثرى بلادي
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so typical of TL. I think TL has lived in denial since 1974. The war never happened, and neither did anything else follow.
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