
CNN Anchor questions Israeli "Mistake"

CNN Video.


At Monday, July 31, 2006 3:06:00 PM, Blogger SFH said...

I fail to see how the anchorwoman managed to prove a point. Every step of the way the Israeli spokeswoman was spot on. What did you want her to say? That Israel is a nation of murderers? Surely you know that that's not true! The present death-toll in Lebanon is absolutely sickening and the fact that I'm Jewish doesn't lessen the disgust that I feel when I look at what Israel is doing. Agreed: Israel desperately needs to change tactics because this is not only failing to work (in fact, I can completely understand why Lebanese civilians would now want to join Hezbollah), but it seems to be women and children who are being targeted.

But what should they do? It is not a secret that Hezbollah are a terrorist organisation, that they are firing rockets into Israel (whatever you want to call them) and that they are hiding in civilian centres. Seriously, WHAT SHOULD ISRAEL DO?

There are people on this blog who seem to imply that Israel should simply cease to exist but I am bothering to comment here only in the hope that you are more educated than that.


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