
The IDF's actions should not be a surprise

Abused children, when unchecked end up abusers themselves. The IDF, born out of the need to provide the safety for an ethnic group that faced near extinction in WWII, is now capable of doing just that.

Let's get one thing straight, the IDF is a very effective killing machine. Its objective is to safeguard the citizens of Israel. It will operate under what it thinks is necessary to achieve those objectives. The value and sanctity of human life beyond the borders of Israel is meaningless, and is irrelevant to the objectives of that organization. Furthermore, the superior ability to apply destruction and carnage and the ability to think rationally does not mean that the underlying barbarism of such a machine is diminished. We, the Lebanese, knew that very well back in 1982. There's nothing new.

Having a democratic society, a western-friendly image, and massive superiority in the ability to apply organized violence does not make this act by the state of Israel any less barbaric. Violence is violence is violence, not matter how fancy and sanitized and "smart" and "precise" its instruments are. The Israelis have delegated their security to a soul-less machine, and we can't blame the beast (the IDF) for being a beast. It is the Israeli people's choice and they have their own journey and moral path. Yistiflo minnon la rabbon.

Let's not victimize ourselves. I think that the question is not how we feel about this or who to blame, but rather what can we do to maintain our existance as sane, dignified and productive people. We need to keep a level head when we deal with this, and not lose track of the fact that the IDF's actions are providing us with more and more moral clarity about our country's plight and unity. We will win the peace by being rational AND by not losing touch with our humanity.

... and by refusing to curl up and die. We will keep procreating until they kill everyone of us. We will keep going to school and working abroad, and keep sending money home. We will rebuild our bridges WITH OUR OWN HANDS - NOT THOSE OF MIGRANT WORKERS - a hundred times over if we have to. This is our country, and we only have ourselves to fend for it, not the Americans nor the French nor the Saudis nor the Iranians and nor the Syrians.

The questions should always be, "what do we want next?" and "what is the smartest way to achieve that?"


At Monday, July 31, 2006 4:42:00 AM, Blogger Akiva M said...

Firas -

As much as I disagree with your assessment of the IDF, I applaud this sentiment: "We will win the peace by being rational AND by not losing touch with our humanity."

Please check out my blog, where I've proposed a way forward, and let me know what you think.

At Monday, July 31, 2006 4:56:00 AM, Blogger Firas Wehbe said...

Thank you Akiva for your post and thoughtful effort you make to spread understanding.

My post is more directed inwards, towards other Lebanese. I am hoping to stir a fruitful debate about what to do next, about our goals and objectives and value system. I will politely decline under this post from making this a Lebanese-Israeli debate.

At Monday, July 31, 2006 4:58:00 AM, Blogger Firas Wehbe said...

... I will read the post and post my comments - if I will have any meaningful contribution - in your blog, not here.

At Monday, July 31, 2006 5:02:00 AM, Blogger Akiva M said...

Understood. I'm not actually Israeli, btw (though some would say new yorker is the equivalent). If you have the time to comment on my blog, rather than here, I'd certainly appreciate the input.

At Monday, July 31, 2006 5:02:00 AM, Blogger Intensemystery said...

Actually you said it. They have the ability to protect their people, Israel that is. They sat for years and years with people having rockets aimed right at them, with their very existance being questioned.
Now I wake up to see children dead and why? It saddens me deeply, very deeply and at first I became extremely angry at Israel but then I remembered... This happened because Hezbullah is firing their rockets from populated areas. Why? Because that is how they gain protection and if you hit there, that's how they win world sympathy. Smart but wrong. They were responsible for moving those citizens out of the battlegrounds but instead made it a target by firing missles from there. So I see Hezbullah just as responsible for the deaths of these innocent people as I find Israel. When you rebuild...please leave the terrorists and the hatred out so this will not happen again.

At Monday, July 31, 2006 5:02:00 AM, Blogger Akiva M said...

thanks. Stay safe - and good luck in what you are trying to do.

At Monday, July 31, 2006 5:06:00 PM, Blogger Intensemystery said...

Looks like the Iranian Wolves have managed to gobble up Lebanon using Hezbullah. The Lebanese are falling right into their trap. Their freedom is slipping away every day that they allow Hezbullah to control them...It saddens me deeply.

At Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:17:00 AM, Blogger Nightstudies said...

Look, you want safety, make peace, "normalize", make friends. It's always been that simple, and considered completely impossible by middle eastern Muslims. As they say "you reap what you sow"


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