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It never ceases to astound me how political allegiances allow you (and I mean that in the biggest fattest plural sense "SC") to point a sure but crooked finger in the face of dead children!
Missiles aren't discerning or discriminating. People certainly are. And military "strategists," even more so. How long will you wave this "you threw the first stone" excuse?
All I can do is grieve for the dead innocents--on BOTH sides--and curse the monster in us all. I am fully cognizant that my American tax dollars have funded BOTH Israel and PLO (which underwrites Hizbollah as well) armaments. Thus, the irony of this war is too cruel.
But as the body count rises from what could easily be dubbed "baby-seeking missiles" on the Lebanese side--and I believe the UN bombing was no mistake and not the first bombing of a UN shelter by Israel--it is harder everyday to suppress an increasing bile for Israel.
And that is the monster in myself I must contend with.
As for this hollow rant about muslims hiding behind women and children. Well, surely you're not blind to the fact that this has been a long accustomed rule of engagement for Israel that was only recently banned "by law."
But the law is weak-kneed in times of war, eh?
(much more recent accounts in the New York Times as well--if you subscribe)
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