
Here are just a few observations:
1. The blogger meeting was very fun, and it was great to see so many people in the country.
2. I wish the national political hiatus during the religious festivities was extended to the rest of the year.
3. Does anyone really care about the iPod phone? Is it really that big a deal? Given that I always talk about buying a new phone, but never get around to doing it, I doubt this will even be a relevant discussion for me. However, I do own Apple shares.
4. Wouldn't it be great if this were true?
5. Does Dennis Hastert look like Jabba the Hut in this photo, especially with the smirking minions at his side?:
About the iPhone, it seems to be a very good product. I wanted to change my phone for some time now, But i think i'm gunna wait n see wht did apple made.
I checked the web-site, and it seems like a very good phone, specially that it uses the mac opearting system (X is its name i guess), which is much better than windows.
As for the bloggers meeting, it was really fun. And I hope we would do it again soon :)
about the bush thing... was that English?? :S
failasouf sorry to disapoint the iphone doesn't use macosx.
its an entire different operating system
the real macosx runs on a core called darwin which is an open source core, and they are not allowed to change it.
and since darwin doesn't run on Samsung chips (the iphone processor), then it cannot be darwin.
its a new operating system that is closed source and built for iphone specifally.
the iphone doesn't support 3G though.
what's up with that.
Ipod phones, i always wondered when will they make smthg like this! but i have a car to buy, so i think i will have to wait a year or so!
thx for the info man. hopefully this new o/s would be as good good the X :)
I dunno abt the 3G support, but whether it supports it or NOT, it's the same here in Liban :P
my Opel seems to be wroking out just fine, Ih ope it will continue its great job, so I can get my hands on the iPhone :P
its Kodder.
not Khodder.
my name is Wissam.
damn it, gonna sign this from now on:
Wissam not Khodder
u have to be in the US and get a cingular suscribtion to get the iphone.
In europe as well, only the networks will sell that product and i dont think cells, ooops alfa nor mtc will do it
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