
Response to Marsden’s comment to my post

Marsden replied to my previous post as follow:

"Their entry in 1976 was to rescue the right-wing Maronite sectarian forces, and their withdrawal today will empower the right-wing Maronite sectarian forces." - As'ad Abu Khalil
12:35 PM
So the least you can do is thank them for keeping your kind in power.
12:35 PM

First I am sad that some people still think in these terms and still have a war mentality.

Second this is my response to Marsden:

My kind?? What do you mean Marsden? Are you implying that everyone who is feeling happy with the Syrian withdrawal is a right wing Maronite??

Do you mean that because I am happy that we no longer are under the mercy of the Syrian intelligence agents, I am a right wing Maronite!

It is clear that you are not living in Lebanon, that you have not felt the humiliation of living under the rule of the Baathist regime and its goons.

So again I am happy, and I congratulate every Lebanese for the withdrawal of all foreign troops from Lebanon. And I do not thank the Syrians for anything!!

As a side note, although I am loathe to say it, I am a Muslim Sunni from Saida and I am proud of being first and foremost a Lebanese who want to live and enjoy Peace, Prosperity and Freedom in Lebanon.

So Marsden you are wrong on all account and believe me I feel much closer to any right wing Maronite who shared with me the same humiliation and hardship under the Syrian rule, than to you!


At Wednesday, April 27, 2005 11:14:00 PM, Blogger BOB said...

Well as a matter of fact I am an atheist too. And this closeness I feel, I feel it to all Lebanese, who lived under the Syrian yoke.

But I will tell you something.


No matter what happens, never again shall one Lebanese draw a weapon against another. NEVER AGAIN !

For me civil war, drawing a weapon against another Lebanese, hating, and killing are no longer an option. And if as you say – which I truly know, in my heart, will never happen – some other Lebanese choose that option then I shall face him with a smile and a memory. The memory of our newly found unity…


At Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:07:00 AM, Blogger Ramzi said...

Marsden, you make it really hard to agree with you on anything.

You know, if you keep saying the world will end tomorrow you're goign to be correct someday.


At Thursday, April 28, 2005 2:10:00 AM, Blogger Charles Malik said...

Wow, Marsden, that's a lot of hate.
Just because you are an atheist doesn't mean that people thinking in terms of religion are ignorant. How can one think about any country without thinking of the people's religions? It plays a factor regardless of whether you believe in it.
Also, if you don't make any ethnic arguments, why is it so easy to figure out you're Armenian? Why do you so strongly defend the Armenian cause?
A little empathy might help with the Maronites who do feel abused. Without it you're aggravating for another war.

At Thursday, April 28, 2005 1:04:00 PM, Blogger Ramzi said...

Marsden, quick question: What DO you support/approve of?

At Monday, May 02, 2005 12:08:00 AM, Blogger Ramzi said...

"The point is not what I support, but what I don't support"

It IS what you support Marsden.
If each person knows what he supports and why, then you can have dialogue and compromises. If you're just against against against and label people beforehand then it's impossible to discuss anything with you (as you surely must have noticed).

Being negative is easy, being positive and constructive is hard. Step out of the accusation corner and try that for a change...

At Tuesday, May 03, 2005 12:39:00 AM, Blogger Charles Malik said...

Given your rather nasty retorts and mean-spirited reply to what I wrote (however, I will take your citing my genius as a compliment), it seems that you follow more of the fascist credo than those you label. You may not believe me, but your words are commiting mass acts of violence to your respondents and readership. And given your comments on the Armenian genocide, I take it you believe that emotional trauma matters just as much as physical.
Your comments are more painful than constructive.
Your brusque behavior and textual screaming and bleating undermine anything positive you might have to say creating a visceral dislike (perhaps even hatred as evidenced in some of the other comments) in your opponents. And their/our behavior is not irrational.
What you support really does matter since you are soooo incredibly willing to slam what everyone else supports.
The arguments have gone from being substantive to petty: commenting on styles commenting. It seems that for any kind of reconciliation to occur, your voice will have to be diminished until what you say is constructive. Until then, your genius must be restrained.

At Tuesday, May 03, 2005 6:29:00 PM, Blogger Ramzi said...

16 comments (and counting) on a post entirely dedicated to you Marsden... and still we cannot get past the rhetoric to have a substantial conversation!

I suggest we declare this intervention has failed and just get used to constantly missing your point.

At Wednesday, May 04, 2005 1:10:00 AM, Blogger Charles Malik said...

If you don't care that you are harming rather innocent people with your nastiness you are just as bad as the Israelis.
I did not disagree with you in my original comment, so your reply that I should learn to live with people who disagree with me makes no sense. I asked for a little empathy and you have refused.
You have refused to respect me on this blog and you have refused to respect others.
I get the feeling that you really enjoy abusing people who are actually experiencing Israeli flyovers on a routine basis (like myself) because you are not helping me out. I also get the feeling that you would wipe out all of our comments if you got the chance since you do not want to hear what we have to say. You merely want to abuse us.
I will have a hard time ever taking anything you say seriously ever again if you don't change your style. Given that most other websites (including my own) have a certain level of decorum, it seems that my behavior pattern is not the aberrant one.
If you want to see a real Maronite comment, check out the comments section on my post Open Letter to Walid Jumblatt. I don't know why you are fighting us.

At Friday, May 06, 2005 4:28:00 PM, Blogger Charles Malik said...

What makes you think that me or hummbumm are LF lackies?

At Friday, May 06, 2005 7:09:00 PM, Blogger Ramzi said...

WOW Marsden!
After 24 comments and a lot of coaxing you actually managed to state what you stand for!

And you'll be happy (or disappointed) to learn that we actually agree on some points!

Now, that wasn't too hard, was it?

At Wednesday, December 31, 2008 11:37:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...




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