
Urgnet: Red Cross

You may donate blood if you:
- are in good health and feel well
- are at least 17 years of age.
- weight at least 45 Kg
- do not have serious heart or lung disease
- do not have any form of cancer or AIDS
- are not pregnant
- have eaten recently

Phone Numbers:
General number: 140 and 112
Beirut: 01-372 802/3/4/5
Tripoli: 06-602510, 06-520748
Antelias: 04524164 and 03202683
Tyr (Sour): 07-740070
Jounieh: 09-832260, 09-930642, 09- 930342, 09-931750
Zahleh: 08-824892, 08-820735
Saida: 07-722131, 07-720091, 07-722532


At Wednesday, July 19, 2006 2:51:00 PM, Blogger Hilal CHOUMAN said...

"You are a coward, the people of Lebanon are coward"

I wonder how much ur coment is relative to a post that takes about humanitarian aid.
tnx for ur deepest feelings

At Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:03:00 PM, Blogger Jean said...

Great response Hilal,
I think you clearly showed mister SC who the real retarded is, and who the civilized is.
I am a member of the international red cross, not in lebanon actually, unfortunalety. Thank you for your support.

At Wednesday, July 19, 2006 4:14:00 PM, Blogger Jean said...

If I may add, giving your blood is totally harmless for you body !
And the procedure is totally controlled by the Red Cross, you don't have to worry about catching a disease or anything like that.
Your body regenerates all the blood taken in the next 15 days. meanwhile, you can carry on with your normal way of life. you just have to slow down on sport for only the first 24 hours !!
Please give your blood, it is the easiest way to save lives. you must know that till now, there is no substance that can replace blood.
Think of it, when you give your blood, you are telling another human being "you can live to see another day".
this is the greatest gift you can give to another human being, and, the best part is that it costs you... nothing !

At Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:15:00 PM, Blogger Hilal CHOUMAN said...

thnx jean for support.
and red cross is realy thanked for its historical role in such situations

At Thursday, July 20, 2006 1:18:00 PM, Blogger iman said...

Ronan, you have no right to speak of a country and of people who by all standards are way higher than your own coward, zionist, and terrorist country and people. You still havent earned the right to do that. Dont forget how "jews and dogs" were not allowed in alot of European countries at the begigning of the 18th of century. Mind your own business.

Jean I am a resident of Cairo Egypt, how can I send the red cross any kind of help, how trusted is the source, and how can we ensure that this help reaches Lebanon.

Thank you

At Wednesday, December 31, 2008 9:10:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...




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