
All bidders welcome
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FREE piece of land sprinkled with a few cedars
Lack of patriotism
Free membership in political party
(Advantage: you can sell your conscience and free mind. The leader you will follow blindly will provide you with all the necessary thoughts and actions)
Hurry up! Limited quantity!
Original nationality soon to be extinct!


At Friday, December 01, 2006 6:23:00 PM, Blogger Xylocaine said...

We should do yearly tests to check if one deserves to be Lebanese or Not.

1)Do you wage war all the time for the sake of syria,iran or religion?

2)Do you want to unify lebanon with syria?

3)Do you take money and weapons from Iran, and use it to start wars and cause killing of lebanese and destruction of lebanese economy?

4)Do you care for your religion more than for lebanon?

5)Is your head up Iran's and syria's ass?

6)Do you march like a goat whenever your leader tells you?

7)Do you hang the picture of iranian or syrian leaders on your wall?

8)Are you stupid enough to believe everything your leader tells you?

9)Are you proud to associate yourself with Syria!!!, knowing that syria killed lebanese, stole from lebanese, imprisoned lebanese and terrorized lebanon?

If any of the above answers is YES..then you don't give a dam about Lebanon.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 12:34:00 AM, Blogger Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

since the above two commentators just cancelled each other out, i will comment on the language of the original post:
what double standards you have. if the current demonstrations were being conducted EXACTLY in the same fashion but by mars qatorze, you would have had a totally joyous and jubalant attitude towards them. But since a million people come out to support the opposition, you sense of defeatism is deflected to blame your countymen of treatery, just cuz you like the current politicians' smiles, slogans and banners.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 1:20:00 AM, Blogger Lazarus said...

ya ibn bint jbeil,

you may attempt to corner del in whatever box you want, but what exactly in the above post have you used as evidence in your eloquent yet disconnected comment?

cheers, and best of luck with everything,
- l.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 1:44:00 AM, Blogger Fouad said...

3an jad yalli ta7et bato msalleh.
Of course she has double standards because her standards apply to both disgusting sides of the fence. Wou ana I congratulate you ya ibn bint Jbeil for being a perfect example of what you so badly want to criticize.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 1:58:00 AM, Blogger Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

yeah yeah, we all are.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 2:09:00 AM, Blogger snurdly said...

I propose a 2-state solution like the one proposed for Israel...since that's the solution in the region. The Northern part of Lebanon will be "Lebanon" and the Southern part will be "Hezbollahstan." This models the partition of Palestine into "Jordan" and "Palestine" in 1922. Hezbollahstan will capitalize on their Divine Victory over the Zionist Entity because that warrants Divine Leadership. The boring

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 2:16:00 AM, Blogger snurdly said...

The boring Northern part of Lebanon knows no Divine Victory and will not reap the benefits of knowing Divine Leadership.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 2:26:00 AM, Blogger Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

israel, ha! what an absurd concept.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 7:14:00 AM, Blogger Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

the only thing you all can split in two pieces is your asscheeks.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 12:36:00 PM, Blogger Delirious said...

Ya Ibn Bint Jbeil~
Excuse me, but where exactly did you see the slightest mention or insinuation to March 14?
What gives you the right to assume anything about my "jubilant and joyous" attitude?!

I'm sorry if you could not see it objectively, with the right spirit of sarcasm in which it was written. A jaded sarcasm tainted with disappointment, disillusionment and a tinge of hopelessness and surrender.

Just FYI, I think I was the only Lebanese who put a blank piece of paper in the ballots during the last elections, because I do not consider that any one of these politicians represents me.

I think I have the right to criticize all parties, and choose not to adhere to any of their ideals, because in my opinion NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has the interest of LEBANON in mind.
What you, however, are not allowed to do, is pigeonhole me in a specific box because of such a sorry state of preconceived notions and ideas. I can't really blame you, this is how everyone is born and bred in this country... your adherence to a party is fed to you with your mother's milk.

In any case, my post was perfectly clear, as Lazarus and Fouad can attest, and I only bothered to reply to you because of my love of Lebanon, mish aktar.

Cheers, and long live Lebanon :)

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 4:37:00 PM, Blogger Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

hey, yeah, sarcasm and diappoitment, jaded disillusionment, hoplessness, me too! cool!
so we agree on something.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 4:39:00 PM, Blogger Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

actually today i feel equilibriumiated. a sense of balance in the counry.
t3adalo, 1-1.

At Saturday, December 02, 2006 8:26:00 PM, Blogger MarxistFromLebanon said...

the first two reflected exactly what is this country is living through, defining their own nationalistic lebanon and claiming it is the correct way.

As well as those who are "advising" for a split? How come"? Becuase there is a balance of power or refuting to face the reality of this sectarian nation (them included?). And is it with "Lebanon"? I think the ad is fantastic from describing all the fanatics from both sides and sects.

Cheerios delirious, and nice statement, I agree with that, only difference that Lebanon as a Utopia is not that perfect. But going to the nationalistic framework (specially to those fanatics who want a Utopia Lebanon?) what about demolishing Sectarianism as a first step by solving it with the request of Civil Marriage as a starters? (remember all forms of clergy figures opposed it)

Best Regards

At Sunday, December 03, 2006 3:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi everybody!
I'm studying architecture in Innsbruck, Austria.
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I can imagine that you have other things to do these days; but if your are interested in this project, maybe you could take part of if (see project-website for details or mail me!)
Thank you, and all the best


At Monday, December 04, 2006 9:25:00 AM, Blogger Khawwta said...

Delirious.. I love your post you.. and I agree with you 100%..

Unfortunately this is the true Lebanon… After reading the above comments, I'm sure that we will never be united as a Lebanese people.. and we won't be able to build Lebanon again.. there will be no Lebanese Nation anymore… Bassssssssss "bouwat 3alam majmou3in"


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