
Let the Buddha in Lebanon Prevail

Lebanon has been freed from the military grip of Syria. How great is this?!
I wish I could express my joy for Syria's exit from Lebanon after all these years. Good riddance!

Now we need a new government and we'll be well on our way to paradise. Well, not quite. We still have one another to deal with! I have the feeling it won't be like times past even though the political scene seems like it's still operated by some dinosaurs. Meaning, I hope we see some fresh new faces on the scene soon. The youth of Lebanon deserve better.

Sorry I've been away for a while. I hope to be around a bit more in the coming days.

Most of all, I hope everybody here has been doing well. Both you and Lebanon are certainly in my thoughts during these days.

Warmest wishes,



At Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:51:00 PM, Blogger Eve said...

We share your hopes, Liminal! and welcome back, chta2nelak ya zalameh :-)

At Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:05:00 AM, Blogger Ramzi said...

Welcome Back Lim!

I won't ask where you've been all this time, but I'm happy to see that the witness protection program finally let you blog again...

P.S. Disguising yourself as a big brass statue isn't practical.


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