
Rebellion in Lebanon

A round of student elections has just ended in Lebanon.

Every year, the same debate occurs around the question: Why don't Lebanese youth rebel against the political system? Why do they become coopted functionaries of political parties?

So this post doesn't go too long, here are a few quick reasons:

1. Sectarianism - students feel the meta-struggle between the sects and think they need to join a particular cause to advance their personal interests as opposed to those of members of other sects. The grand irony is that one always remains a part of one's sect, thus it could be argued that a Maronite (who will always be identifiably Maronite by name, region, accent, etc.) should have no problem joining the Communist Party or Amal. [I'm well aware that there are many Maronite members of the SSNP and Communist Party, but that is not the norm unless you're from Koura or Dhor Shweir].

2. Lebanese culture - we live at home until we are married. Our entire lives depend on our parents. They subsidize everything we do, and our marital opportunities are somewhat (and often times very) dependent on our parents' occupations, social status, and family name.
Also, in universities like AUB and LAU, there are many children of affluent parents. Politics is a major part of Lebanese culture, and many wealthy individuals aspire to seats in parliament. Given that the actions of the child reflect on the parents, the student does not have the freedom to join an opposing political party. His rebellion will undermine his family and his own future. It's a big decision to make.

3. Wasta - Lebanon is not a meritocracy. Your parents will be leading the charge to get you a job (your proper employment reflects on them). Your sect will often times determine which jobs you are SOCIALLY qualified for.
However, political organizations can also help you get a job. Party leaders often own businesses.

4. Rebellious concepts are the norm - There are so many different ensconced political groups in Lebanon that some group will represent your views. Lebanon is not like the West when it comes to politics. It's okay to be Communist here. It's okay to promote anti-semitism. It's okay to worship Saudi Arabia. It's even okay to be gay (although that's not normally discussed in public).
If you want to rebel against your parents or society, there's someone ready to accept you in Lebanon. There are people here who love Lebanon and people who publicly advocate that it should not exist. Where is the opportunity for true rebellion?
Oddly enough, the biggest form of rebellion would be to convert religions, but that would completely destroy you since you would be giving up your entire community.

We, the Lebanese youth, are not blind. You can never disappear into the fabric of Lebanon because this country is so closely woven together. It's not like America, Canada, Australia, or Brazil where you can change location, identity, and occupation frequently. In Lebanon, the same guys work at McDonald's for years.

We know our political situation is messed up. We are not in the position to change it, but we are trying. Sadly, many of us who work in independent groups like No Frontiers and Pablo Neruda end up leaving the country to seek employment.
There are no major national leaders who have not been tainted by war or have the charisma and zeal to lead a political party. Nassib Lahoud, Mosbah Ahdab, and Muhammad Safadi are not attracting students and youth en masse to their cause. Rafi Modayan only attracted students because of his step-father, Communist leader Shaheed Georges Hawi.

What do you think?


At Friday, November 18, 2005 1:01:00 PM, Blogger desmond said...

Good post, LP. As you say, I think that society as a whole in the West is not partitioned as it is here along sectarian and class lines. Students abroad are able to rebel and make a difference against the political system precisely because they have a common cause which is not diluted by sectarian or other demands.

At Friday, November 18, 2005 2:10:00 PM, Blogger Hassan said...

One reason Lebanese youth don’t rebel is that the system absorbs this rebellion with the chances and divisions that you mentioned, and it exhausts the idealism of youth in most active young people.

I also think we should account for the fact that a true “rebellion” for Lebanon would border on anarchy. It should be against the entire system, a system which includes even those “trendy windows of rebellion”, often embraced by those groups who wouldn’t normally be expected to be rebellious. The best samples of these were AUB’s “leftist” population of rich kids, and children of intelligence officers and journalists-for-hire.

These samples are now shadowed by the more “in” groups like the BEES of this year and Representing the Silent Majority (RSM) of the year 2001-2002.

Back to my point, activism in Lebanon is more of a trend than a cause, and those few who are sincere about it are usually the victims.

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 11:57:00 AM, Blogger Charles Malik said...

There really isn't a concept of individualism in Lebanon. No one is disconnected from their family or family name (not even a Khoury - Lebanon's Smith).

However, a space has opened up for non-traditional rebellion, in particular, homosexuality. There is a large (and growing) gay community in Lebanon. I wonder the importance of one's family within that community, especially because many gay men in Lebanon become ostracized for who they are.

Then again, given the wasta issue, gay men might have to keep some sort of attachment to a powerful member of the family. That is, unless President Lahoud has taken them all under his protective wing. :)

At Saturday, November 19, 2005 7:47:00 PM, Blogger Maldoror said...

I believe the results of those elections speak for themselves. Whether it is a new trend or not, students haven't voted blue they haven't voted yellow and they surely haven't voted for any rainbow. Students have voted orange, which is a blend of red and white. They have voted for unity to replace sectarianism. They have voted for new ideals to replace other people's "birth right to the thrown".
By the way, I don't know if you are a supporter of the gay cause or not(you only talked about gay men, don't gay women also exist?!), but I don't think they are the only people suffering from the freedom to make their own choices in a country ruled by several autocracies. It is an effort we all have to participate in, and the seeds are starting to be grow.
Last but not least, a society throughout the course of history witnesses many changes and is always on the boil. So it is only normal to be amazed and intrigued when we take time to notice it. Rebellion is a word that doesn't exist. Every minor change takes a lot of time to take effect, even an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
Living abroad is not quite the same as living here, but this surely does not mean that outside is more exciting. You just get to blend into a forged system that here, we are trying hard to find and adopt. It is a choice you have to make and some people decided to fight for their dreams instead of getting what THEY have to offer.

At Sunday, November 20, 2005 1:06:00 AM, Blogger Delirious said...

Maldo, cut it out already!
Someone told me today about a medical seminar that took place yesterday, at the end of which the speaker held out a Lebanese flag where the red color was replaced with orange. I sincerely think megalomania has limits, don't you agree?

And can someone please explain to me what the heck do politics have to do with university elections for student representatives?

At Sunday, November 20, 2005 1:23:00 AM, Blogger Maldoror said...

Well, it is a long story Deli :)

At Wednesday, December 31, 2008 11:33:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...




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At Wednesday, April 15, 2009 9:08:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warning Strong Pictures

These are the pictures you will see, only, in Lebanese newspapers tomorrow. yes, too strong & maybe non-postable for ethical reasons, but what is going on in Lebanon has gone beyond any ethics in any worldwide dictionary. This is what the Israeli raids are doing to my country, to my people. This is what they will keep on doing, under the pretext of "self-defense". Those are the terrorists who scared Ehud Olmert. A moment of silence, a prayer and a call for all those who care still about humanity to wake up!!


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