
14+8 =22, 14x8=?

It all started not so long ago. When majority claimed to be a 'majority' and the opposed party calimed to call them 'fake majority'. When the '14' called the '8' syrian and iranian agents and the '8' replied describing the '14' by usa-france men.
When u tease somebody heturns to be careful from you. All of them went to the national dialogue with a big title: 'Disarming hizballah'. Sessions threw the subject from one to another infront of the media but nobody knows what happened behind the curtains.
Hizbollah is the representative of shitte in addition to amal's movement. It is nice to remember that hariri and jomblat used people's support to hizballah to reach the parliament. Hizbollah representatives were elected dimocratically as jomblat and hariri were.
when you exclude a sect in lebanon, signs of war rise.
hizbollah is fundemantelistic? yes.
Did they use their fundementalism to pressure others in south villages. no.
They lived their fundementalism in their own community.
It is good to remind you that every sect in lebanon has its own district and community laws.
It is a 3rd world country, we like it or not.
Did hizbollah take revenge from collaborators with isreal? no.
He delievered them to the government.
Many of them spent 1 year of prison in most so that no sect will feel offended in Lebanon.
Israel needs a victory to relieve her people. She can not erase hizbollah. They may succeed in hunting some hizballah heads and declare the 'mission accomplished' statement.
Heads will be replaced and hizballah will go on.. weakened, maybe.. but they will go on rebuilding their centers with help of inside and outside.
To whom who fears hizballah fundementalism, I don't fear it. Live in your regions as they do. No body will intrude in others manners.
It is way beyond the lebanon I dreamt of for years but it is the way it is done in Lebanon.
Near in Iraq, tension between shittes an sunni is increasing with the help of usa and pro-usa-friend Mr. Ossama.
In these times, asking to disarm hizballah and asking for outer forces or organizations to do it means targetting shittes. We like it or not, this is how things are explained in lebanon.
It is time of unity? yes.
Israeli forces are destructing as much as they can. They are waiting for the moment they stop all that and Lebanese turn on each other.
Sadly, I am not optimistic about that since a peacful year-and- a- half of 'every body claiming he is the majority' tells us that they will blew it all in the post-invasion-times.
This is what Israel is dreaming of. It may take years till the appropriate moment comes.
I hope I am wrong. I hope they will recognize that.
No... It is not a 'Peacful' fairytale that ends with everybody embracing each other, marry from each other and give birth to boys and girls..
It is a regional prepared war that is spreading.
And in a war there are two sides. Neutral people will have no effect. They will just accept the result of the war.
What remains to tell?
Whenever you blame some one different than you (refer to lebanese dictionary to understand this exprerssion), Be sure that it started.
Long live Lebanon.


At Sunday, July 23, 2006 1:09:00 AM, Blogger jooj said...

Well said Hilal. Good set of facts! Good reminders as well!

Too many things going on. Hard to remember every thing!

At Sunday, July 23, 2006 5:58:00 AM, Blogger jooj said...

"i followed Jumblatt's harsh words against HA ..."
And I followed his harsh words against Israel as well. He blames HA, but still considers Israel the enemy! Let's not forget that!

"you surely understand why i can't be optimistic."
And I think you do too. What peace? Israel has burnt all the bridges ...

At Sunday, July 23, 2006 6:26:00 AM, Blogger jooj said...

el guh said: "if they return the abducted soldiers"
We have heard this line 1000 times now. Got anything different?
And for the 1000th time, now more than even and after Israel shows yet again her ugly face, Israel won't get her two dear soldiers back unless via indirect negotiations. Time will tell!

You and your dummy profiles. Why don't you post something? Are you afraid that no one would read or comment?

At Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:59:00 PM, Blogger BOB said...


Somehow I do not think that Hezbollah will agree to what you said about "To whom who fears Hezbollah fundamentalism, I don't fear it. Live in your regions as they do. No body will intrude in others manners."
Because it is a slippery road from the situation you are describing to a division of Lebanon. A division that Hezbollah has been accusing everybody else of trying to achieve it, “al taksimm” as they call it.

Or you want us to live in one country under the same flag, or your call for unity is meaningless…

At Sunday, July 23, 2006 3:12:00 PM, Blogger Hilal CHOUMAN said...

'Because it is a slippery road from the situation you are describing to a division of Lebanon. A division that Hezbollah has been accusing everybody else of trying to achieve it, “al taksimm” as they call it. '

we all know it..
wh lives in6ariq jdeedeh?
who lives in ashrafieh?
who lives da7yieh?
this is a situations that was before.. ma netkhabba wara isba3na..
now hariri and jamei3a rules in saida don't apply to da7yeh and vice versa.. i am talking about the community way of life.. sa7 walla ghalat.
halla2 mosh bass hizballah lezim t2aseiso 3laya
roo7 3a 6aree2 ejdeedeh w 3al ashrafieh as well.
walla shoo ya bob??
i was not talking on a futuristic events wheni aid that.. it's already done since the end of the war

At Monday, July 24, 2006 1:49:00 AM, Blogger BOB said...


if youallow each part to have its own rule, it is over we are no longuer a country.
At the moment at least we have a semblance of one...
your way it is all over...

And after what happened and if Hezballah do not disarm, your way seems attractive. But still i am an indealist and i want a free, independent and united Lebanon

At Monday, July 24, 2006 11:46:00 AM, Blogger Hilal CHOUMAN said...

lok ya 7abib 2albeh ya bob
ya3neh ana ma beddeh "a free, independent and united Lebanon "?
what i am saying that this is the way it was in the past ad mainly now as well.
u didn't answer on my remark on hizballah representing shee3a.
we have to be aware of that.
bob, every time a sect is excluded from the political process, a civil war becomes very probable unfortunately.
don't u see the rumors spreading?
don't u see little incidents happening infront of governmental schools?
don't u see that the regional war is spreading?
and that others wanna the region a war of sects and religions??
i was agianst excluding christians in the syrian years and i will be against excluding shee3a from the process in the upcoming days.
i am talking politics and not being emotional.
as i said i don't fear what's happening now, i fear what will happen when it ends.
i hope lebanese will treat the situation with a high level of "responsibility and rational thinking".
i hope u got my point now.
I am agianst fundementalism just as u, but be aware fundemtalism doesn't mean always terror.
ofcourse according to bush, the only fundemantelism he sees is one: islamic.


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