

قرأنا في هذا المنتدى خلال الأيام و الساعات القليلة الماضية الكثير من التعليقات التي يطغى عليها الطابع الطائفي.

الى الذين يتهمون حزب الله بالتسبب بكل هذا الدمار، هل من الممكن أن تساوي حياة جنديين اسرائيليين تدمير بلد بكامله؟ اسرائيل تدعي بأنها تريد الانتقام من حزب الله (المعادل للشيعة بالنسبة للبعض).

و لكن لم تبق منطقة في لبنان من أقصى الجنوب الى أقصى الشمال الاّ و استهدفت في أماكن ليست بنفوذ شيعي أو لا يوجد فيها أي حضور لحزب الله. ما معنى قصف مرافئ طرابلس و جونية و البترون وبيروت و صيدا؟ ما الهدف من تدمير أهراءات القمح في بيروت و خزانات المياه في صيدا؟ هل الشيعة و حزب الله هم المستهدفون؟

هذا هراء.

لبنان هو المستهدف.

فيا لبنانيي العالم و محبي لبنان في المعمورة، لبنان بحاجة اليكم و ... نحن أيضا.

العرب و العالم أسقطونا من حساباتهم، لا تقوموا بالمثل.

(على فكرة، لست من مناصري الحزب، أنا مجرد لبنانية علمانية)


At Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:57:00 PM, Blogger Hilal CHOUMAN said...

thnx linalone.
please post more..
there's lack of usuch opinion in this forum..
i am the same as u..
they claimed i am a shiite..
this is very sad, especially when it is said by lebanese..

At Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:01:00 PM, Blogger Laila K said...

Amen linalone. Amen. God help us all. please take care of yourselves we need you.

At Saturday, July 15, 2006 9:09:00 PM, Blogger Eve said...

wish there were more of you, linalone.

At Saturday, July 15, 2006 9:19:00 PM, Blogger Xylocaine said...

This was going to happen even if hizbulla didnt kidnap the soldiers...their NUMBER is UP, according to USA and the international community!!!...Hizbullah has to be terminated before the west can attack IRAN.... and we are just collateral damage.

At Saturday, July 15, 2006 9:42:00 PM, Blogger SH said...

1. It is not just the two soldiers. We eat crap from Hizballa all the time since the pull out, both from the Libanese border and from Gaza where Hizballa is indirectly involved. Enough is enough.

2. Most airstrikes target Hizballa, not Beirut or other cities. You just don't hear about it. There is also a high number of casualties with Hizballa ranks. This also never comes up, as far as I know, in Arab media.

3. According to an army spokesman in a press conference an hour ago, the radars in those ports you mentioned are posing a threat to Israli ships.

4. As for the wheat and watertanks - I admit this is really strange. I also find the last leaflet, depicting Nasralla as a serpent, a bit stupid.

Let's all pray that this nightmare will end soon. We are not exactly having fun here in Israel either.

At Saturday, July 15, 2006 10:07:00 PM, Blogger lifeflaw said...

Linalone, great post. Please, let us hear you more, we need your moderate opinion.

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:55:00 AM, Blogger Mojoski said...

Would someone post an English translation of this? I'd like to read what Linalone had to say.

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:57:00 AM, Blogger Mojoski said...

"This was going to happen even if hizbulla didnt kidnap the soldiers"

That seems a bit silly. Hezballah's number is up because they are a terrorist organization. To pretend that this would have all happened even if Hezballah would have stayed out of Israel is just silly. You state no basis to support this silly assertion. What makes you say such a thing?

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 3:15:00 AM, Blogger Xylocaine said...


Silly..silly and silly....what's that about? It's not about 2 soldiers..it's about the iranian nuclear reactor you schmuck.

Israel has to destroy it...but before it does that it has to get rid of hizbulla...so Israel doesn't end up in a multi-border war....Capish. How old are you?

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 4:00:00 AM, Blogger Mojoski said...

I see, so Israel gave Mr. Nasrallah a call and said "Could you have some of your guys kill a few of our soldiers so we could use that as an excuse to destroy you?" I'm sure Nasrallah would be happy to go along with the evil zionist plot, eh?

I think you are absolutely right about the fact that this has EVERYTHING to do with Iranian nuclear ambitions, but I think you have a few of the facts wrong.

I think what happened is that Iran knew that the G8 would be focussed on their ass and getting ready to take them to the UN security council, and they asked Hezballah and Hamas to bump up the ante with Israel to provoke an action by the IDF that would help deflect some of the world attention off of them. I think they just miscalculated how powerful Israel's response would be.

Of course, they didn't care if some Lebanese got killed in the process. They just want to deflect attention from Hariri investigation and the mad Iranian Mullah's weapon programs.

The faster Hezballah is defeated in Lebanon, the faster Lebanon can live in peace with its neighbors.

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 4:28:00 AM, Blogger Xylocaine said...

Touche...what hizbulla did is just accelerate the war! This fight should have happened later this year or next year by far..instead of now...however Israel saw the opputunity and took it.

We all knew that Israel was fed up with them....that's why UN resoluton 1559 ordered hizbulla to disarm...and that's why lebanon has been trying to convince hizbulla to disarm...but failed.

However i doubt that you can beat them!!!You'll destroy lebanon but not hizbulla...and that will make hizbulla stronger.Catch 22.

I also read somewhere that the Israelis are ready to take out the iranian nuclear reactor...plans and all...but hey would prefer if the americans did it and viceversa!

Doesn't take a genius to figure out that.You can't allow someone who wants to destroy Israel own the A-bomb!!! i.e Iranian president...neither do gulf countries

Question is: do you really care if Lebanese get killed in the process? didn't think so too...you're just as bad as every player on the ground.

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 4:55:00 AM, Blogger Mojoski said...

Question is: do you really care if Lebanese get killed in the process? didn't think so too...you're just as bad as every player on the ground.

I hope that is not directed at me. I am not happy with what is going on now. I blame Hezballah. they are the ones who don't care if Lebanese innocents are killed. You only have to look at where they hide to see that much.


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