
Israel Violated the Laws of War

Israel violated the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions by murdering civilians, the two Israeli soldiers are prisoners of war subject to the Third Geneva Convention.

CDRL:Israel violated the laws of war, a call for full restoration of the rule of law
Dr. Muhamad Mugraby
Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law in Lebanon

Dr. Muhamad Mugraby issued the following staement on behalf of the Center for Democracy and the Rule of Law (CDRL) of Lebanon:

Today, Lebanon is in a state of war with Israel. The Israeli army has committed wide ranging acts of aggression against Lebanese civilians and civil infra-structure, such as the murder of dozens of Lebanese, including entire families, without being in any proximity to legitimate military targets (no possibility of qualifying as a collateral), and in flagrant violation of the laws of war and particularly the Geneva Conventions of August 12, 1949, and the Hague Regulations of 1907, at least in the following ways:

1. Article 3 of the Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilians outlawed violence against the persons and lives of all those who do not actively participate in military operations. It prohibits killing, mutilating, torturing or otherwise treating them with cruelty.

2. Article 49 of the same convention requires the prosecution and trial of those military personnel that commit or order the commitment of such crimes.

3. The matter of the two Israeli prisoners of war taken by Hizbullah, in the aftermath of a military battle in which they were in uniform, armed and on a military mission in an armored vehicle, is regulated by the Third Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War. Article 21 of this convention authorizes their internment subject to certain conditions. Their rights as prisoners of war are provided in the said convention. The Israeli Government may seek to insure those rights through the peaceful means authorized by the said convention.

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At Saturday, July 15, 2006 9:13:00 PM, Blogger Mojoski said...

The idea that Israel has purposefully targetted civilians would be laughable if it weren't so blatantly stupid. If Israel wanted to kill Lebanese civilians there would be, at this very moment, hundreds of thousands of smoldering corpses littering the streets of Beirut. The simple fact is that the terrorists of Hezballah hide their weapons and fighters among the civilian population on purpose to force the Israelis to have to kill civillians in order to destroy their military supplies. Anyone who still believes that Israel is purposfully targetting Lebanese civillians out of spite has simply drunk the terror kool-aid. It's just silly.

Especially when Israel is even dropping wanring leaflets trying to get the Lebanese people to evacuate these Hizballah hideouts.

Enough with the stupidity. We're not falling for it anymore. It's a play straight out of the Al Qaeda handbook and if you can't see that, then there is no hope for you.

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:52:00 AM, Blogger Mojoski said...

How many other nations are as kind as Israel and drop leaflets on the innocent to warn them of impending attacks, even though these same leaflets also warn the terrorists to evacuate as well.

If only Hezballah would warn Israelis this way when they were about to shoot a rocket into Israel.

Of course, they wouldn't do that because Hezballah targets innocent civillians on purpose.

The contrast is stark here. Anyone who can't see it is simply sticking their head in the sand.


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