
For the soul of the martyr

Time: on "some elections-day"

9 am
Telephone rings.
- Hi. Is it x?
- Yeh, speaking.
- x, you didn't vote yet. Aren't you going to do so?
- I was just going out.
- You know. It's a national duty.
- Yeh, I know. Going.

12 am

Telephone rings.
- Hi. Is it x?
- Yeh, with you.
- x, you didn't vote yet. Aren't you going to do so?
- I was just on my way out.
- You know. It's in the memory of the great man. Didn't he pay for your education?
- No.
- Oh, didn't he? This is weird.
- Umm. I didn't ask for it.
- Ah. That explains it all. Anyway you gotta elect the voice of reason.
- Sure, I will.

3 pm
Telephone rings.
- Hi. Is it x?
- Yeh, This is x.
- x, you didn't vote yet. Aren't you going to do so?
- I was starting the engine of the car.
- You know. It's for the soul of the martyr. If you don't do so, his murderers will reach the parliament.
- Oh. I can't imagine myself guilty like that. I will go directly to a governmental school to vote.
- Good. Have a nice day.

4:30 pm
Telephone rings.
x closes the door, sits in the balcony and curses national duties, education bribers, voices of reason, and .. souls of great martyrs.
Telephone is silent again.

Mobile rings.
“Weird”, x thinks. “Do they know this number?”.
He answers.
- Hey how are you my friend? Are you talking from Lebanon!!!?
- Yeh. I had a free flight to here.
- Huh? How’s that?
- To vote, my friend.. To vote..
- Oh, I see. Your national duty.
- Yeh. So how's your family?


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